Sandhigatavata is a Shoola and shothapradhanavatajananatmajavyadhi affecting loco motor system and leaving the person disable and make him unable to do his daily routine activity also. In the samprapti of SandhigatavataSandhi afflicted by prakupitavata. Ayurvedic measures seem to be more satisfactory because of their simplicity in applicability, easy availability and cost effectively. Sandhigatavata is a serious burning problem of society. It is our contractual obligation to provide proper management to the patients who are suffering from it and to make them get through the problem.
So, the present work has been undertaken To study the efficacy of Dashmuladighanvati and RasnadiGuggulu as Shamanaoushadhi in Sandhigatavata. In this study Group A - Trial Group 30 patients were treated with DashmuladiGhanavati with dose of 500 mg twice a day with Koshnajala. In this group Group B - Controlled Group 30 patients were treated with RasnadiGuggulu, with dose of 500 mg twice a day with Koshnajala. From this study can be concluded both the groups Dashmuladighanvatai and RasnadiGuggulu are equally effective in the management of Sandhigatavata.
Key words: Dashmulaghanavati, Sandhigatavata, Osteo arthritis.