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RMJ. 2009; 34(1): 51-53

Impact of morphologic changes of foveal avascular zone on contrast sensitivity in diabetic patients

Sherif S. Karawya, Neveen M. Sabra.



To assess contrast sensitivity in relation to different Foveal Avascular Zone (FAZ) abnormalities in diabetic patients.


Forty five diabetic patients underwent fluorescein angiography to study morphologic changes, namely FAZ diameter and regularity of perifoveal capillary network using mid phase frames. A grading scheme was used to study both features. Patients were classified into 3 groups according to FAZ morphologic features. Contrast sensitivity testing was done in all patients in four spatial frequencies (3, 6, 12 and 18 cycles/degree [c/deg]). The significance of difference between groups concerning contrast sensitivity values was assessed.


Reduction of contrast sensitivity at 6 c/deg was significantly related to increased FAZ diameter (p=0.01), while reduction at 6 c/deg and 12 c/deg was significantly related to disturbed FAZ outline (p=0.002)


Contrast sensitivity could be a clinical adjunct in diagnosing early ischemic diabetic maculopathy. (Rawal Med J 2009; 34: 51-53).

Key words: Contrast sensitivity, diabetes, foveal avascularzone, ischemic maculopathy.

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