To study the efficacy of miniplates fixation to nonplating in regards to prevention of anterior bone graft dislodgment, fusion rate and clinical outcome in patients undergoing one-level anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF) with autograft.
We retrospectively reviewed 163 patients who underwent ACDF with titanium miniplates, between 2003 to 2008. Patient's data was collected from operation room's record and radiology. Complications were recorded from patient's notes. Fusion and Position of bone graft was assessed on immediate post operative and 3 months later repeat radiographs in follow up clinic. Minimum follow up was for 3 months. Clinical outcome was assessed on follow up based on Odom's criteria.
Out of 163 patients, 78 patients were females and 85 males. Mean age was 52 years (range 22-83). The increase in operation time for holding the bone graft with anterior cervical miniplates, ranged from 5 to 8 minutes. There was only 1 case of bone graft dislodgment (0.61%) due to technical error in positioning of plate.
In ACDF, to prevent bone graft dislodgment and ensure effective fusion, the routine use of miniplates is economical and rewarding for the patients. (Rawal Med J 2009; 34: 7-10).
Key words: Key Words: Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion, iliac crest bone autograft, titanium miniplates.