Assam since the coming of the Ahoms and the establishment of the state in the north eastern region of India experienced a number of invasions sponsored by the Muslim rulers of Bengal and in the first half of the 16th century by the Mughals a numerous times in their six hundred years of political existence. In almost all the invasions the Ahoms forces could stand before the invading forces with much strength except one that of Mir Jumla. This generates a general interest into the military system and organization of the Ahom. Interestingly during the medieval period the Mughals could easily brought about a political unification of India conquering a vast section of the Indian subcontinent. The Ahoms remarkably could manage to keep a separate political identity thwarting all such attempts of the Mughals to invade and subjugate the region. In this an attempt will be made to study the Ahom military administration, its discipline, ways of recruitment, weapons and method of maintaining arsenals and war strategy.
Key words: Ahom, Military, Administration, Weapons, War Strategy.