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Case Report

ATJMED. 2021; 1(1): 4-6

A Case of FMF that presents with epigastric abdominal pain and high amylase lipase: From suspicion to diagnosis of FMF

Ismail Yigitdol, Hilmi Erdem Sumbul.


Familial Mediterranean Fever is an autoinflammatory genetic disease usually seen in people of Mediterranean origin and characterized by attacks of fever and painful inflammation, especially in the abdomen, lungs, and joints. FMF patients presenting with abdominal pain may have signs of peritonitis, and thus the disease may mimic other acute abdominal conditions. This article presents a 21-years old male patient who was thought to have acute pancreatitis in the first evaluation but was finally diagnosed with FMF after more detailed anamnesis and further examinations. In young patients who present with abdominal pain and do not have a clear etiology, the diagnosis of FMF should also be considered.

Key words: Abdominal Pain; Familial Mediterranean Fever; Acute Pancreatitis

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