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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(4): 7637-7643

Changing Pattern In Marriages After 498 A Ipc

Dr. Anuradha Jaidka.


Many laws have been passed in our country to stop the oppression of women and to get them their rights. One such law is section 498 A. Let us know what is section 498 A and how we can use it. Let us know that this law was passed in 1983. That was a period when cases of violence against women and harassing them for dowry were increasing continuously. In such a situation, this law came into existence in the Indian Penal Code (IPC) after the women's movement, under which women were given the power to demand dowry by their husbands and their relatives for cruelty. Section 498-A was introduced in the IPC in the year 1983, to provide relief from intimidation and intimidation of married women by husband or his relatives. This section will be imposed for cruelty to a woman by her husband or a relative of her husband, and if found guilty, there is a provision of imprisonment for a maximum period of three years and suitable fine for the husband or his relatives. Now if we see that what is meant by the word "brutalism", then we will find that it can be explained and defined very broadly, there are many angles to be seen in it, like any woman.

Key words: IPC, Section 498 A, Marriage, Women, Dowry, Violence.

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