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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(4): 3176-3182


Dr. Rekha Patil, Ravikumar D Awanti.


A solid and a sound financial framework are extremely fundamental for an economy so as to develop and stay in this focused condition. RBI and other administrative bodies have taken a few strategies in the light of building up the working of the financial part. The best pointer for the soundness of the financial business in a nation is its degree of Non-performing resources (NPAs). It mirrors the exhibition of banks. NPAs in the Indian financial part have turned into a noteworthy worry for the Indian economy. NPA directly affects the benefit, liquidity and dissolvability position of the bank. Higher NPA shows wastefulness of the bank and lower NPA demonstrate better execution and the executives of assets. To improve the effectiveness and gainfulness of banks the NPA should be diminished and controlled. This paper essentially manages the patterns of NPA in banking industry, the variables that for the most part add to NPA bringing up in the financial business and furthermore gives a few proposals how to defeat this weight of NPA on banking industry.

Key words: Public sector Banks, Private sector Banks, Non- Performing Asset

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