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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(4): 3164-3175

Suggestions on the improvement of organizational Structure for the required Work Flow Process: A survey approach

Sajid Ahmed Mohamed, Kinslin Devaraj.


On the global competition of business management, there is an immediate need for development and productivity. This can be achieved by improving or implementing an effective workflow in business management. The business must develop an effective workflow system for better understanding, evaluating and redesigning the tasks. This survey study aims to understand how the business processes' effectiveness is affected by the implementation of Workflow in business management technology. The important workflow process is effective implementation, deployment of staff, To-Do list, Not-To-Do list, external technical auditor, disturbing system, E log activities, cashless transaction and zero-conflict strategy were addressed in this research. The questioners were prepared with the help of a literature survey and the responses were collected from the operation and service corporation of U.A.E through the online form. This research highlights the importance of workflow in the business management system.

Key words: Workflow, conflicts strategy, work environment, external auditor disturbing system.

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