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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(4): 3141-3144

COMMUNICATION -The art of emotions, from the Messenger to the Receiver.A quest

Dr. Bijaya Ganguly, Dr. Goutam Tanty.


Human beings are perhaps best described as ‘’Social Animals”who defy the logic to stay alone without communicating emotions and receiving the same. The essence of communication gets sharpened from the very beginning of an individual once he/she enters the premises of a school but the art of communication becomes the language of a ‘leadership”. After all the best orators are the magicians, since they sway into the platform with enviable swagger. In short, the orators become the show piece of mass receivers. A good communicator masters the art to convince and defend the undefendable. Organizing a raw thought and smoking it out through a perfect delivery is not an easy task until and unless the rough edges gets converted into a stunning opening and a closing line. In fact, for effective communication a platform for impact delivery must be considered.A polished delivery is not about cobbling together ‘’the perfect words’ ’and memorizing them by rote but on the other hand one must internalize confidently and message should be loud and clear .Sometimes realization can occur that some messages might need tweaking therefore edition is needed and once it is complete a perfect communication can be on it’s way to chisel out the emotions and wanted messages to drop into the ears of a good listener. Poor listeners can block effective messages henceforth, effecting the orator. Real communication involves little bit of persuasion but at the same time requires purposeful exchanges between all interested parties.In fact, the success story for a polished communication mostly depends on active listeners. Therefore, the entire process of communication is just not the content of the message but also removing to interactive listening

Key words: Effective Communication, swagger, delivery, memorizing, interactive listening

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