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RMJ. 2020; 45(4): 970-973

Effect of Buteyko Breathing Technique and incentive spirometer on breath control pause in Post Cardiac Surgery patients

Nosheen Afshan, Shahbaz Ahmad, Sana Shahid, Arooj Fatima.


Objective: To compare the effects of Buteyko breathing technique and Incentive Spirometer on breath control pause in post-cardiac surgery patients.
Methodology: This Randomized Controlled Trial included 48 postoperative cardiac surgery patients, Data were collected using Purposive Sampling technique from the Sharif Medical City Hospital by a Questionnaire. The study was completed in 9 months and data were analyzed with SPSS software.
Results: Out of 48 patients, 26(54.2%) were male and 22(45.8%) female and 8 were drop-outs. They were divided in two groups of 20 in each group; Group A (Buteyko breathing technique) and Group B Incentive Spirometer. Pre-Treatment Control Pause Group A had 13(65%) sereiosly sick patients and 07(35%) were sick patients with other complication and on medication and in Group B, 06(30%) were seriously sick and 14(70%) were sick patients with other complication and on medication. Post-Treatment Control Pause Group A had 5(25%) patients in poor health without serious organic disease and 15(75%) were in good health. In Group B, 2(10%) patients had poor health without serious organic disease and 18(90%) had good health (p=0.01).
Conclusion: There was significant variation in control pause (breath holding time) of post-cardiac surgery patients after using Incentive Spirometer when compared to the Buteyko breathing technique. Incentive spirometer was better than Buteyko breathing technique for improving control pause in Post-operative cardiac patients.

Key words: Buteyko breathing technique, incentive spirometery, control pause, cardiac surgery.

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