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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(5): 4790-4793


Mahmoona Shahzadi, Faisal Irfan, Nasim Talib.


This paper focuses on the cultural variation presented by Chinua Achebe in his novel Things Fall Apart. The European and African sub culture were compared with respect to religion, social institutions and means of earning. The postcolonial theoretical perspective is being used in this paper. That helps to analyze the dehumanization of Ibo’s inhabitants from the hands of white European imperialists. The sense of ‘Others’ is attached with the local Africans. Their religion, way of life, culture and everything is considered us ignorance, futile and non-progressive. Even they were not considered as human being and most of time not treated as humans in the novel. This study highlights such discriminations performed by the European colonizers in the text. The qualitative research methodology is applied on this paper.

Key words: Colonialism, Ibo (African) Culture, Religion, Cross Culture, Umuofian Economy, Deterioration of Social lives, Imperialism

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