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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(5): 4785-4789

Terrorism in the West Asia from the Perspective of International Law: Emphasis on Assassination of General Soleimani and Dr. Fakhri Zadeh

Azra Qadir.


International law may be defined as a body of rules of law which is composed for its greater part of the principles and rules of conduct which states feel themselves bound to observe and commonly observe in their relations with each other. The law of the armed conflicts is a branch of international law and clearly based on our customs, traditions and experience of armed conflict throughout the ages.
Treaty law is based on Geneva law, four 1949 conventions and Hague law by stating way of attack and limits the destructive effects of combat and achieves military or mission.
Terrorism constitutes the illegitimate use of force to achieve a political objective when innocent people are targeted. The geographical position of the East-West Asia region of every great power in history to seek advance interest in this region. The strategic uniqueness of this area is reserve of oil in the world which has made it a regular source of foreign interference in the Post world war in era. This area is also important religions, Christianity, Judaism and Islam. These circumstances impresses the super powers to intervene and de-stable of this region by violence, target killing, drone attacks, terrorism and sport behind sectrial terrorism. So in this manner many of Muslim scientists are targeted as blind murder. As a special case study of Iran, to weaken economically, politically and armed purposes targeted to attack General Qasim Soleimani and Dr. Mohsin Fakhi Zadeh on January 3rd, 2020, November 27th, 2020 at 14:30 attacked the convoy of Fakhri Zadeh. Now it is time to investigate the conspiracy of these acts and pursue as state officials by the Government of Iran.

Key words: Islamic Republic of Iran, Armed conflicts, West-East Asia, Terrorism, General Qasim, Mohsin Fakhri Zadeh.

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