The polyvascular disease is the disease that includes the simultaneous existence of atherosclerotic process on coronary, carotid and lower extremities peripheral arteries. It is very difficult, if not impossible to determine the prevalence of atherosclerosis, because it is one predominant asymptomatic illness. There is no correct information related to atherosclerosis clinical readings, that is to its most important consequences: coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease and peripheral blood vessels obstruction. Atherosclerosis is a complex disease with numerous predisposing factors that we call the risk factors. We divide all atherosclerotic risk factors on changeable and unchangeable (age, sex and heredity ). The risk factors can further be divided on classical (conventional ) and non-traditional (raised oxidative stress, endothelium disfunction and inflammation ). Tobacco smoking can result by the sevenfold risk increase of peripheral arteries disease and at least the double risk increase of coronary arteries disease beginning. These two main forms of cardiovascular diseases, related with tobacco smoking, are the main atherothrombosis consequences. Obesity has overcome the global epidemical proportions with more than one million people with excessively body mass and, at least, 300 millions of clinical obese people. Obesity is considered as chronic inflammation disease that leads towards the chronic mass non-inflammation diseases as atherosclerosis, Diabetes type 2, non-alcohol stetosis of liver, cancer ( of prostate, of breast ) and osteoarthrosis.
Key words: tobacco smoking, overweight, polyvascular atherosclerotic disease