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Original Research

Med Arch. 2009; 63(2): 87-89

Artificial Abortions Performed at the University Clinical Centre of Kosovo from January 2005 to December 2007

Myrvete Paçarada, Niltene Kongjeli, Gyltene Kongjeli, Bujar Obërtinca.


The objective of this study was to determine the number of abortions performed at the Clinic of Gynecology and Obstetrics at the University Clinical Centre of Kosovo (UCCK) in Prishtina, Kosovo, from January 2005 to December 2007. We performed a retrospective epidemiological study of 1079 artificial abortions based on patient records. In total, 39% of the patients were from Prishtina. In terms of age, 51.5% of the women who received abortions were 20-35 years old. In terms of gravidity, 43% of the patients had more than four previous deliveries, whereas 7.7% of the patients were pregnant for the first time. The majority of abortions were performed at 7-9 gestational weeks via dilation followed by suction curettage (vacuum aspiration) or curettage with sharp instruments. The number of abortions per annum decreased from 486 in 2005 to 293 in 2007.

Key words: artificial abortion; medicated abortion; surgical abortion.

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