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Sexual Patterns, Menstrual Health Status and Prevalence of Modern Contraceptive Use Among Reproductive Aged Females in Bosnia and Herzegovina During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Fatima Gavrankapetanovic, Armin Sljivo, Ilma Dadic, Alma Kubat.


Background: Nowadays, most women of reproductive age utilize various methods of contraception to avoid undesired pregnancy and regualte menstrual cycles. Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate current sexual patterns, menstrual health status and use of contraceptive methods in reproductive aged females in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in the period between February 21st and March 5th 2022 via an online anonymous questionnaire which was distributed using social media platforms. Results: Menstrual periods were normally regular in 269 (85.7 %) of the females, whereas 45 (14.3 %) experienced irregular menstrual cycles. Females report having either one sexual partner 149 (47.5%) or no sexual partners 76 (24.2%) and typically no 92 (29.3%) or frequent (more than 8 sexual intercourses) sexual intercourses per month. The usage of contraceptive methods was reported among the majority 212 (67.5%) and mostly by using of male condom 104 (33.1%), followed by the withdrawal method 64 (20.4%), oral contraceptive pills 35 (11.1%), emergency contraceptive pills “after 24h” 2 (0.6%) and intrauterine device 7 (2.2%). The usage of contraceptive methods was higher among younger females (X2=18.07, p

Key words: Contraceptive agents, sexual health, reproductive health, Bosnia and Herzergovina, COVID-19.

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