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Brixia Chest X-ray Severity Scoring System is in Relation with C-reactive Protein and D-dimer Values in Patients with COVID-19

Amela Sofic, Midhat Cizmic, Eldina Beslagic, Muhidin Becirevic, Aida Mujakovic, Azra Husic - Selimovic, Lejla Aladjuz Granov.


Background: The Brixia scoring system interpreted chest X-ray changes, serves as an indicator of the extent of changes in the lung parenchyma. Objective: To indicate the effect of D-dimer and C-reactive protein (CRP) on Brixia score in patients with positive polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Methods: The research had prospective, descriptive and analytical character, and included patients (n=104) with Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) diagnosis. Chest X-ray, as well as calculation of Brixia score was done on admission, in the first week of hospitalization, on discharge, and 10 days after discharge (the patient was considered a post-COVID patient. Maximum CRP and D-dimer values ​​were taken into account, along with data about dependence of mechanical ventilation and oxygen therapy. Results: Initial Brixia score was significantly associated with the values of CRP (r = .23, p

Key words: COVID-19, lung, inflammation, X-Ray.

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