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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(5): 4659-4663

Diachronic study of Uzbek and English architectural construction terms

Saloydinova Nargiza Shuhratovna, Ahmedov Oybek Saporbayevich, Zakirova Hilola Abdurahmanivna.


New technologies demand on educational institutions call for innovative methods of language and content instruction. The aim of the paper is to present terminology and research in the field of architecture and construction.The crucial issues concerning unification, normalization, creation of terminological dictionaries which could satisfy completely the needs of experts working in various areas of science or architecture and construction are very important. The development of ways of term formation and terminology contributes to the active participation of experts in solving actual issues of modern science and technology, thereby increasing their informational awareness. The goal was to analyze terminology in architecture and construction.

Key words: architecture, construction, terminology, term,arches, consoles, pilasters, concrete cells

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