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Research Article

Equijost. 2020; 7(2): 125-130

Analysis of Cowpea Marketing and Price Trends in Selected Markets of Argungu Local Government Area, Kebbi State, Nigeria

Yahaya Kaka, Hussaini Sahabi, Abdullahi Gindi Auwal, Haruna Suleiman Umar.


The study analyzed cowpea marketing and price trends in selected rural and urban markets of Argungu Local Government Area, Kebbi State, Nigeria. A single-stage sampling technique was used for sample selection. The samples were collected from purposively selected Kara markets in Argungu (reference market), Felande, Gulma, Lailaba and Sauwa (supplying markets) from the selected Districts. Primary data were obtained from a sample of 100 marketers with the aid of the structured questionnaire. Descriptive statistics and spatial price model were employed in analyzing the data. Results of the analysis shows an average age of marketers to be 34 years, 69% were married and 62% have formal education with an average household size of 8 persons. However, 73% were discovered not join any cooperative association while 79% of them do not have access to credit to finance their business. Analysis of spatial aspects of pricing efficiency showed that the positive price spread is slightly high, even after considering plausible levels of unmeasured transaction costs. The trend in price revealed higher price per bag during the off-season (N27, 000/bag) in July and August and low (N15, 000) during harvest (October, November, December and January). Temporal aspects showed considerable risk was involved in storage operations to achieve high profits. The marketing channels identified in the study area were; Farmers, Village merchants, Wholesalers, Retailers, Processors and finally the Consumers. The constraints identified in the study area were lack of access to credit (25.69%), inadequate market information (24.59%), inadequate market infrastructure (22.65%), provision of quality product (16.02%) and poor storage facilities (11.05%). It is recommended that sellers should form cooperatives that can support them in provision of physical facilities and better dissemination of market intelligence and facts. Accordingly, to alleviate the problem of access to credit in the study area, awareness campaign and provision of such credit facilities at affordable level by the relevant stakeholders (State and Local Government authorities) could be an excellent performance in enhancing the marketing activities in the study area.

Key words: Analysis; Cowpea; Marketing; Price-Trend; Market; Argungu

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