A pathologic fracture is every fracture caused by minimal trauma of the bone weakened by some process (osteoporosis, tumor, etc.). Most common pathological spine fractures are compressive fractures of thoracolumbal vertebras in geriatric patients. Considering the fact that geriatric population often have numerous comorbidities, weakened bone quality, and that instrumented spondylodeses have increased surgical risk, minimally invasive procedures are treatment of the choice for described fractures. Principle of the minimally invasive treatment of compressive spine fractures is to inject bone cement percutaneously into the collapsed vertebral body through transpediculary placed cannulas, under the X-ray control. After this ambulatory procedure, patient has prompt lack of pain, full mobility; risks of surgery are lower then one promil. In this article we describe first Bosnian experiences after those surgeries (vertebroplasty, kyphoplasty, percutaneus biopsy of spine metastasis) performed at the Department for Orthopedics and Traumatology of Clinical Centre University of Sarajevo.
Key words: vertebroplasty, kyphoplasty, compressive fracture, osteoporosis.