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Video-Assisted Thoracic Bronchial Reconstruction Surgery for Patients with Lung Cancer: Protocol of a Systematic Review

Diana Maria Cespedes Arcani, Xue Feng Zhou.

Cited by 0 Articles

Video-Assisted Thoracic Bronchial Reconstruction surgery is an advance complex procedure and are technically well described, however oncological efficacy is not well established in thoracic surgery. Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of VATS bronchoplasties in patients with lung cancer. Method We will conduct a systematic review of all eligible analytic study designs on bronchoplastic video assisted thoracic surgery for patients with lung cancer according to the PRISMA guidelines; which will cover the last two decades, including: 1) published studies reporting outcomes of VATS- bronchoplasty for lung cancer; 2) no limited language restriction; 3) references list on case report and review articles of VATS-bronchoplasty for lung cancer were also searched; 4) containing original data; 5) including > 10 adult patients. Databases from: MEDLINE through PubMed, CINAHL, and Cochrane will be the bases platforms for our research. For grey literature, we will search LILACS, OpenGrey, and Google Scholar. For each key concept, appropriate free-text words and Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) will be developed. Risk of bias will be assessed through the QUIPS tool. We will report our findings in a narrative synthesis alongside developing a preliminary synthesis of findings of included studies; exploring relationships within and between studies; providing a description and synthesis of the results. And assessing the robustness of the synthesis. For quantitative data, where possible, a meta-analysis will be considerate if there are no different research designs due to diversity in the evidence base used to consolidate it; odds ratio or standardized mean differences and their 95% confidence intervals will be calculated from the data generated by each included study. Ethics and dissemination: Formal ethical approval is not required as primary data will not be collected. The results will be disseminated through a peer-reviewed publication.

Key words: Bronchoplasty, minimal-invasive surgery, lung cancer, video-assisted thoracic surgery

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