Crohn s disease (CD) is a lifelong disease arising from an interaction between genetic and environmental factors, but seen predominantly in the developed countries of the world. The precise etiology is unknown and therefore a causal treatment is not yet available. Fistulating Crohns disease includes fistulas arising in the perianal area, together with those communicating between the intestine and other organs or the abdominal wall. Non perianal fistulas include fistulas communicating with other viscera (urinary bladder, vagina), loops of intestine (enteroenteral fistulas) or the abdominal wall (enterocutaneus fistulas). The diagnostic approach is a crucial aspect in the management of fistulating CD as the findings influence the therapeutic strategy. Short bowel syndrome caused by extensive bowel resection should be initially treated with nutritional support and can caused serious treatment and reevaluating problems. We review this uncommon manifestation in a high risk patient after multiple operations and severely shortened bowel and also with non perianal fistulating CD.
Key words: Crohns disease, non perianal fistulas, short bowel disease