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Case Report

EJMCR. 2020; 4(1): 35-38

Primary malignant melanoma of the parotid with extensive metastasis: a case report

Nabila Javed, Iftikhar Ahmad, Noor-ul-Ain Ainy, Aakif Ullah Khan.

Cited by 0 Articles

Background: Primary malignant melanoma (PMM) of the parotid is a very rare tumor. Herein, we report a case of PMM of the parotid with extensive metastasis.
Case Presentation: A 25-year-old male patient presented with progressively enlarging firm nodule in the right parotid gland. The patient underwent total right parotidectomy. Histopathology revealed malignant melanoma of the parotid. Metastatic workup demonstrated lymphadenopathy in the ipsilateral cervical, epigasterium and para-aortic regions, metastatic spread in the liver, pancreas, and bones, and thereby, was not fit for any oncological intervention.
Conclusion: This study indicates that PMM of the parotid is a rare and highly aggressive malignancy.

Key words: Malignant melanoma, parotid, parotidectomy, metastasis

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