Research Article |
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EEO. 2021; 20(3): 1765-1775 Factors Effecting Corporate Cash Holdings of the listed NonFinancial Firms in PakistanFaiza Saleem, Laraib Zafar, Muhammad Tahir Khan, Zubair Khan, Shahzad Jamil, Ataulla. Abstract | | | | This research study tries to examine the effect of micro and macro-economic variables on corporate cash holdings patterns of listed non-financial firms of Pakistan. The study collected data from 184 firms from four major sectors (Textile Sector, Cement Sector, Motor vehicles, trailers & auto parts Sector and Fuel and power Sector) listed on Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX). Annual data for the current study has been extracted from the published annual reports of the companies for the period 2013-2018. Feasible Generalized Leased Square (FGLS) technique has been used to determine the relationship between selected variables. The study result showed that GDP is significantly positively associated with corporate cash holdings. Whereas growth opportunities, leverage and dividend payments indicates significant negative relationship with corporate cash holdings for selected firms. The findings of the research study are beneficial for policy and decision makers to make clear understanding and knowledge on corporate cash holding pattern.
Key words: Corporate cash holdings, interest rates, dividend payments, inflation rate.