Erectile dysfunctions represent the inability to achieve and/or maintain erection necessary for satisfactory sexual activity. During the past two decades from the disorder marked as impotence and perceived as a psychological problem, the concept evolved to erectile dysfunction, which is actually the result of multiple risk factors, organic and psychological, and manifested with inadequate penile erection. Etiology Erectile dysfunction is very often multifactorial, which makes it difficult to make a clear overview of causes of erectile dysfunction. Official classification of etiology factors is the following (1): a) organic; b) psychogenic; c) mixed (organic and psychogenic); d) unknown. We have evaluated erectile dysfunction as public health problem in Bosnia and Hertcegovina also ethiology,pathoge nesis,diagnosis and therapeutical solutions. Research includes a group of 90 patients, of whom 60 in experimental and 30 in control group. Group A consists of 30 patients with erectile dysfunction, who were treated with intracavernous injection prostaglandins.Group B consists of 30 patients with Erectile Dysfunction, who were treated using the system vasoactive substances–tbl Sildenafil citrate (Levitra). The control group consisted of 30 patients with erectile dysfunction with psychogenic etiology and was treated with Sildenafil citrate.Erectile dysfunction is important problem of public health and deserves support of basic sciences researchers.
Key words: Erectile dysfunction,ethiology,pathogenesis,diagnosi s,public health problem.