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Mater Sociomed. 2009; 21(1): 8-11

Hypertension and garlic

Fredi Alicajic.


The aim of the study was to assess the efficiency of garlic in the treatment of mild and moderate arterial hypertension. Thirty patients with mild and moderate hypertension, age 41–64 years, 17 men and 13 women had taken three cloves, about 10 grams, of garlic daily, during one month period. Patients did not take any other antihypertensive medications. In case of 22 patients, 73.34%, we found a reduction of the average systolic blood pressure for 9.52%, and the average diastolic for 10.42%. We could not confirm the significant reduction in blood pressure with the garlic. Fresh garlic can be used only as an integral part of the diet as a factor in total strategy of hypertension treatment. There are reports that it has a significant effect on lowering serum lipids, on the platelet function, fibrinolysis, and the reduction of lipoprotein oxidation and anti atherosclerotic effect.

Key words: hypertension, garlic.

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