Background: Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the gastrointestinal tract. It is of two forms: Crohns disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC). This study aims to identify the international trend of pediatric IBD. Methodology: Online research was performed to search for the articles related to the current subject using the Pubmed database and Google scholar. The research process included the use of several keywords to obtain all the possible articles. Finally, nine articles were included. Results: The included articles were summarized in a table under specific titles, including author and publication year, country of study, design of the study, duration of the study, age of the pediatric population, incidence/prevalence of the disease, additional information, and results as well as the main findings. Conclusion: There is an increasing trend in pediatric IBD across the world. There are variations in clinical presentations and features of IBD among different regions. CD is responsible for the high incidence and prevalence of IBD in general, as UC and unclassified IBD increase slowly.
Key words: IBD, epidemiology, trends, pediatrics.