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RMJ. 2009; 34(2): 195-198

Perinatal Mortality - A Hazardous Dilemma

Kiran Wassan, Shazia Rani, Gul Fareen Haider.


To determine the frequency and risk factors of perinatal death in women attending
Liaquat University Hospital, Hyderabad, Pakistan..
This retrospective study was carried out at Liaquat University Hospital, Hyderabad from
January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2007, and all still births and early neonatal deaths from
record books of labour room and operation theatre were recorded. The fetal out come in
terms of weight, maturity and gross congenital anomalies were noted. The cause of death
was assessed in each case. Data was analyzed on SPSS 11.0
Out of 2778 total births during the study period, 2576 were live births, 157 were still
births and 45 were early neonatal deaths (ENNDs). Perinatal mortality rate was 72.7%.
512 babies weighed

Key words: Still birth, perinatal death, early neonatal death.

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