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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(5): 4419-4426

A Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Moral courage of Undergraduate Students in Higher Education Institutions of Northeastern Region, Thailand

Prasarn Sripongplerd,*RungsonChomya.


Ethical behavior is fundamental to the quality of the population, especially in college-age that is going through a process of socialization where it needs to be molded into the proper desirable traits. However, there are still questions about the elements and indicators of ethical behavior.Therefore, the purpose of this research was to analyze the confirmatory factor of Moral courage of Undergraduate Students in Higher Education Institutions of Northeastern Region,Thailand. The samples were 1,200 of 5 undergraduate years 1-4 undergraduate the academic year of 2019 Students in Northeastern Higher Education Institutions. They were chosen by multiple random sampling. The instrument used in this research was the Moral courage questionnaire for University Students in Northeastern Higher Education Institutions.There were 45 items with 5 rating scales by had division item between 0.212 – 0.674 and the reliabilities at0.947. Data were analyzed by confirmatory factor analysis performed. The research results were found that;There were 5 factors of Moral courage of University Students; standing up for principles,recognize the moral situation, moral behavior, endurance of threats,contemplate the risks. The Moral courage model in accordance was fit with the empirical data with Chi-square (χ 2 ) = 29.56 df=20, p=.077,GFI=1.000, AGFI=0.980,RMSEA=0.020,SRMR=0.010and theywere significant at .01 level. All variables were appropriate as observed variables of moral courage.

Key words: Confirmatory Factor Analyze,Moral Courage,University Student

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