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Review Article

Mater Sociomed. 2009; 21(4): 233-236

The Role of Parents in Preventing Drug Abuse

Adisa Sator, E. Colakovic, T. Hrnjicic.


In the last fifteen years, drug addiction is a major socio–pathological problem in Hercegovina-Neretva Canton. We want to define position of parents population in relation with the problem, creating preconditions for performing non stereotype forms of preventive activity which would emphasize and strengthen family as a base of social community. We used retrospective method based on the analysis of two random samples of parents population taken in two different time periods, before and after educational activities. All questionnaires were related to knowledge and attitudes of parents towards the drug addiction problem. During the first examination, 20% of examiners did not know kinds of drugs, 30% of examiners did not have information about health consequences of drug abuse, and 42% would not be able to recognize a case if their child was using drug. After inclusion of parents into the educational process, situation in view of their knowledge and attitudes in relation with drug problem has improved considerably. Parents have a key role in prevention of drug addiction because of their important social role. Their adequate informing with suitable level of communication, love and trust in a parent– child relation would ensure that children are better kept away from drugs. Also, we point out the importance of inter-sectorial cooperation of all interested subjects which is essential for the recovery of not only the individual and his family, but also the society at all.

Key words: drug addiction, parents, prevention

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