Work and professional stress represent discrepancies between the demands of the workplace and the environment in relation to our capabilities, desires and expectations to meet these requirements. Not all occupations are equally subject to professional stress. Among the most stressful occupations are those that are focused on working with people. However, there are some differences too. What are the helping professions? These are professions that are focused on helping other people solve their life problems. What they all have in common is that they involve personal contact with helpers in distress. Who are the helpers? These are people who have chosen professional or volunteer activities in situations in which common forms of mutual assistance among vulnerable people in crisis or distress are insufficient, and they need extra help. These are primarily health care workers, educators, psychologists, social workers, lawyers, police officers, firefighters and others. Our goal is to show the basic instrument for determining the Burnout scale, taken from the American authors, for wider application in the prevention of mental and (somatic) disorders among helping professions. There will be a typical case study for the quality observation and identification of the problem.
Key words: burnout, scale, helping professions, helpers, prevention of mental disorders