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Review Article

Mater Sociomed. 2009; 21(4): 210-212

Monitoring of Hygienic–Sanitary State of River Sana as a Precondition for Protection of Pollution and Development of Eco-Tourism in the Municipality of Bihac

Jasmina Cepic.


Protection of the river Una must be a priority of the Municipality of Bihac especially if one takes into account that one of the strategic objectives for the development of the community is the development of eco-tourism. By regular control of water quality of river Una in the upper and middle course, we would get a clear insight into the status of possible contamination, determine the critical point, and take protective measures to maintain the quality of watercourses within the I-II class. The aim of this work is to study the hygienic-sanitary conditions of the Una river, to perform categorization of watercourses, and to determine possible threat to the anthropological factors. Thanks to the laboratory personnel and equipment of the Institute of Public Health of the USC,we have been able to do a physical-chemical and bacteriological analysis of water samples. Samples were taken in different parts of the river Una. After summarizing and analyzing the results obtained in the period from January 2001 to June 2003, the categorization upper and middle flow of river was carried out. The results from this period were compared with the current year’s results, to identify possible changes of quality. Based on the available parameters, Una river can be divided into class I in the upper reaches, and class II in the middle course. It would be good if the above tests supplemented with additional methodological approach - for example biological testing. It would certainly enlarge the value of the obtained results. Such approach would require interdisciplinary cooperation.

Key words: water quality, water hygiene, eco-tourism and health

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