Adult Medulloblastoma, unlike pediatric variety, is a rare disease with an incidence rate of about 0.5 per million.
It is an invasive and rapidly growing tumour, spreading through CSF to other parts of the brain and spine. Studies have
shown that Medulloblastomas are characteristically hypermetabolic on 18F-FDG PET/CT. Extra-neural metastases are
rare and commonly involve bone, bone marrow, lymph nodes and other viscera. Metastases to the breast are even rare.
Few cases of PET Scans have been reported in the literature showing extra-neural metastasis. We present a treated case of
Medulloblastoma in 26 years old female developing bilateral breast metastases, visualized on PET scan.
Key words: Medulloblastoma, Bilateral Breast Metastasis, 18F-FDG PET/CT