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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(3): 2094-2105

The interrelationship among the leadership, customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction customer orientation, and organizational performance of textile industry in Pakistan

Hafiz Muhammad Ishaq, MunawarJaved Ahmad, Muhammad ZulqarnainArshad, Waris Ali Khan.


The purpose the current study is to investigate the moderating impact of leadership on the association of customer intention, customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction and organizational performance of Pakistan textile industry. The data was collected from the senior managers of textile industry by using a self-administered questionnaire. The SEM analysis of the study has shown that there is a positive and significant relationship between the customer orientation and organizational performance. The employee satisfaction has an insignificant relationship with the organization. Moreover, the customer satisfaction also had a positive and significant relationship with the organizational performance. Moreover, the study indirect effect had shown that the leadership has positive and significant moderating effect among all the exogenous and endogenous variables in the textile industry of Pakistan. These findings have shown that these variable does not only have a direct effect on organizational performance but also indirectly effect to the organizational performance. These findings, therefore, could provide help to business owners about the importance of good leadership to increase the performance of the organization.

Key words: customer orientation, employee satisfaction, organizational performance, Customer satisfaction, leadership, textile, Pakistan.

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