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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(5): 4247-4255

Identifying the Well-Defined L2 Anxiety Factors amongst BS Undergraduate ESL Learners at a Public Sector University in Pakistan: Application of Exploratory Factor Analysis

Dr. Mansoor Ali, Dr. Abdus Samad, Imran Khan.


The main purpose of this study is to identify the well defined factors of the various but loosely connected underlying L2 Anxiety variables of the L2 learners. For this purpose, the closed ended five Lickert modified questionnaire was developed on the basis of the well tested questionnaires of the experts in the field of L2 Anxiety and also included local contextual items related to the learners' L2 Anxiety. The questionnaire was piloted twice and the data was collected from 350 (140 females and 190 males) BS Undergraduate English learners of the Department of English of remote and under-researched Kohat University of Science and Technology, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. The data was analyzed with rarely but much recommended inferential statistical measuring exploratory factor analysis instrument in the field of L2 Anxiety. Total 08 well-defined L2 Anxiety Factors were identified which are L2 test Anxiety, L2 communication apprehension, Fear of negative evaluation, fear of making mistakes, L2 teacher related L2 Anxiety, group Anxiety and lack of confidence L2 Anxiety and rarely noted gender related L2 Anxiety. Moreover, the well constructed questionnaire of this study with name as Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale for Pakistan (FLCASP) can be exploited in field of L2 Anxiety and especially in the Pakistan for further research in the field of L2 Anxiety. Pedagogical implications especially for L2 teacher to devise proper methods for reducing L2 Anxiety among factors are recommended. Similarly, this study also highlights the need of focusing on learners' concerns such as L2 Anxiety and L2 De-motivation so their various issues can be addressed while learning English.

Key words: Anxiety, language anxiety, factor analysis, fear of negative evaluation, Pakistan

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