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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(5): 4214-4222

Evaluating Elementary Educational Reforms in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa: An Analytical Study

Dr. Muhammad Idris, Dr. Said Saeed.


Education is the strength of development, the greatest tool for behavior change, and it meets the needs of society in accordance with social, economic, ideological, and cultural conditions. The study aimed to explore primary education reform in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, to inform educators about primary education reform; evaluate the value of repairs; knowledge about the various aspects of reform; and study the implementation of modifications. All primary school teachers and school principals (N = 85395) of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa were the majority of those surveyed. A randomized controlled trial method was used to select a sample of 365 respondents. Data were collected through selfadministered questionnaires and analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics (percentage, and chi-square) by employing SPSS of 22. Survey indicates weak management, flawless data structure; teachers' late attendance, student absenteeism and enrollment, Lack of online management system, lack of resource resources, inactive schools, and accounting system, no SLOs evaluation system at first level, school less commitments,political involvement and mismanagement in NTS, and the lack of lab equipment and library. It was also found that a change in professional qualifications would not strengthen the teacher’s work. It has been suggested that a monitoring unit could be set up to oversee all its operations, all reforms should be made in the face of indigenous research and then launched after the pilot test, will workshops can be organized for the development of qualified teachers and libraries, laboratory facilities, playgrounds, and ICT facilities may be provided in primary schools.

Key words: Educational Reforms, Elementary Level schools, Administration, National curriculum, staff development

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