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The effects of gingival biotype on delayed tooth eruption in different age groups: A preliminary cross-sectional study

Irem Bag, Berceste Guler.

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Aim: The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between gingival biotype and delayed eruption using the probe transparency technique in different age groups.The hypothesis of the present study is that the thick gingival biotype may lead to delayed eruption.
Material and Methods: A total of 131 patients (mean age, 90.21± 27.76 months), including 68 males and 63 femaleswere included in the study.Patientswereexamined in 3 groupsaccordingtotheirdentitionperiods: betweentheages of 3-5 years in Group 1 (G1), 6-8 years in Group 2 (G2), and 9-12 years in Group 3 (G3). Clinically, thegingivalbiotypewasrecordedbyprobetransparency technique. Dentalage of thepatientswasevaluatedaccordingtoDemirjianmethod on digitalpanoramicradiographs. Statistically the chi-square test was used for analysing between the gingival biotype and delayed eruption.
Results: The thick gingival biotype was observed in 88.4% and 79.1% in the maxilla and mandible in G1, respectively. In G2, thick biotype-related maxillary delayed eruption was observed in 35% of patients.In G3, thepatientswhohave a thingingivalbiotype in mandibulararchshowedprematureeruption.
Conclusion: Delayederuptionmay be relatedespecially in thickgingivalbiotype in maxillaryarch.

Key words: Tooth Eruption; Diagnosis; Gingiva; Periodontium.

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