Local Self Government is one of the fundamental aspects that define Indian society is the 'Panchayat'. To introduce a grass-roots democracy into the village structure that was established in India, this system of rural local self-government was offered. The 73rd and 74th amendments to the constitution transformed the democratic face of Local Self-Government and made it possible to take part in the decision-making process and participate in democratic institutions. These amendments became the foundation for real democracy by providing constitutional rights to the common man to participate in the government process. Article 243D/3 of the Constitution stipulates that there must be a reservation for women and SC and ST populations. Hence, several offices of Panchayat institutions headed by the women as chairpersons, Mukhiya etc. An individual from marginalised communities participates in the policy formations as a result of reservation policies. And the Government of India has made ambitious efforts to decentralize at Panchayat Raj institutions. This provision ensures that women can participate in the governance of Panchayat Raj institutions. At the same time numbers of offices are headed by the SC and ST population.
It is important to understand, that how decentralization can increase the efficacy of local administration? In this study, a wide range of structural and functional concerns relating to Panchayats at the grassroots level have been deconstructed and explored. Panchayat Raj Institutions and their ability to carry out their responsibilities are critical at rural development. The findings show that Panchayat's are not functioning well and that the general public is not at all involved. This paper focuses on the role of Panchayat Raj Institutions, the implementation of reservation, and the challenges of Panchayat Raj Institutions.
Key words: Decentralisation, Accountability, Panchayats, Gram Sabha, Audit etc.