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RMJ. 2020; 45(1): 77-79

Comparison of cervicogenic headache between housewives and working women

Madeeha Jamil, Usman Janjua.


Objective: To find the frequency of cervicogenic headache in working women and housewives and to find any difference in both groups.
Methodology: This comparative cross sectional study was carried out in six month time in Lahore, Pakistan. Females of age 25-35 were included in study. Exclusion criteria were any neck surgery, tumor, previous trauma/accident and any systemic illness. We interviewed 455 women selected by Non-random, purposive sampling.
Results: The frequency of cervicogenic headache was higher in working women in relation to housewives. Out of 354 housewives, 115(32.4%) had cervicogenic headache and out of 101 working women, 43(42.5%) had cervicogenic headache. Posture had a large part in the origin of this headache.
Conclusion: The frequency of cervicogenic headache in working women was higher than housewives.

Key words: Headache, Cevicogenic headache, Pain.

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