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Ekonomik Yaklasim. 2021; 32(119): 89-101

Economic Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Middle-Income Countries: Fuzzy Regression Analysis


Cited by 0 Articles

In this study, the economic factors determining foreign direct investment inflows for the 84 countries in the middle-income group of the World Bank were explored using 2019 data. The significant factors were gross domestic product per capita, commercial openness rate, and current balance. As a result of the fuzzy regression analysis applied with these variables, it was seen that the effect of commercial openness ratio and the current balance on FDI inflows of any country in the middle-income group is fuzzy both in size and in sign. In other words, this effect can be sometimes negative and sometimes positive depending on the values of the other variables such as financial, political, organizational, etc. In addition, it was revealed that countries with higher GDP per capita attract more foreign direct investment.

Key words: FDI, Economic determinants, Fuzzy regression analysis. JEL Codes: C10, F21.

Article Language: EnglishTurkish

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