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Morphological assessment of the soft palate and a possible corelation with obstructive sleep apnea – A digital cephalometric study

Smruthi Valambath, Prabhath Ramakrishnan.

Cited by 2 Articles

Background: The available literature on the different morphologies of the soft palate is extremely scarce and has never been classified in an Indian population. We aim to study a corelation between different velar morphologies and probe variations with age, gender, and morphometric assessment based on the length and width. The present study also explores a possible link between snoring and particular velar morphologies as an indicator for the early diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS).

Aims and Objectives: (1) To assess the various velar morphological varieties in an Indian population, (2) most prevalent velar patterns according to gender predilection, (3) most prevalent velar patterns according to the age (adult >18 years and pre-adult

Key words: Soft Palate; Morphology; Snoring; Digital Cephalometric Radiography

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