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Review Article

IJMDC. 2020; 4(1): 236-239

The role of clinical pharmacists in reducing adverse drug reactions

Mawhibah Mohammed Ali Alqurbi, Mohammed Ali Qassim Atiah.


Medication results in a desired therapeutic outcome, however, it has several devastating effects such as adverse drug reactions (ADRs). ADR is the fourth leading cause of death. Clinical pharmacists have precise knowledge about drugs, so they may have a critical role in controlling and decreasing these reactions. Thereby, this study was conducted to overview the role of clinical pharmacists in reducing ADRs. Online search engines, such as Google Scholar, PubMed, and Research gate were used to obtain related articles. Approximately, 19 articles were obtained, of which 12 were included and 7 were excluded. After the review and analysis, it was concluded that clinical pharmacists have a potential role in reporting, identifying, and preventing ADRs which leads to fast management and in turn results in reduced number of morbidity and mortality cases.

Key words: Adverse drug reactions, clinical pharmacists, reduction, role

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