Original Research |
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Efficacy of Jyotishmati Siddha Ghrita on Intelligence Quotient and Memory of School going childrenSayali Prashant Dhodapkar, Anil Bhikachand Kale, Tirunagiri Yadgiri Swami, Ashish Pramod Rana. Abstract | | | Cited by 2 Articles | Background: Intelligence and memory are the most superior cognitive functions. Theses function of brain help to connect to the environment around very smoothly. Early formative years of life are considered as the critical period of life. Thus, any skill or knowledge acquired and practiced during the critical period, leaves a strong impression over the life of an individual. In-born (inherited) qualities summed up with acquired qualities do contribute to our performance but the major part involved is of Attitude. The attitude towards a problem makes an individual more potent and high performing. This is called as Intelligence. The problem solving attitude of a child totally depends up on the attitude that child has developed about the problem. Intelligence and memory are part of cognition which could be definitely enhanced by practice and mind training. An effort was made to evaluate the effect of cognition enhancing drugs mentioned in Ayurveda with augmentation of mind training.
Objectives: Evaluation of efficacy of Jyotishmati Siddha Ghrita (clarified butter processed with Celastrus panniculatus Wild) and Plain Go-Ghrita (cow ghee) on performance intelligence quotient and memory of school going children.
Materials and Methods: Total of 60 participants in two groups of 30 each aged 8 to 10 years were enrolled in the study. Jyotishmati Siddha Ghrita (trial) and Go-Ghrita (control) was administered at a dose of 10 ml/day for 3 months in group A & B respectively. Digit Span test
and Alexander Pass Along Performance Test of Intelligence were used as the tools to assess IQ and memory.
Observations and results: Improvement was seen only in BDS (Backward Digit Span). Other assessment factors such as FDS (Forward Digit Span) and IQ showed similar results in trial and control groups. Most of the subjects and their parents were convinced about increase in mental clarity of the classroom tasks with the help of Daily Routine Plan sheet (DRP) which contained mental training regarding study techniques and memory enhancement tasks.
Conclusion: Administration of Jyotishmati Ghrita to school going children for a period of 3 months at a dose of 10 ml/day showed improvement in Backward Digit Span Test.
Key words: Intelligence quotient, Memory span, Jyotishmati ghrita