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Trauma based alliance model therapy

Erdinc Ozturk.


“Trauma Based Alliance Model Therapy” (TBAMT) was developed by Öztürk for the psychotherapy of dissociative identity disorder. Alliance with alter personalities is an important issue in TBAMT model. TBAMT, which is specific to dissociative identity disorder, was structured based on professional experiences of Öztürk, who has been working intensively and only with this psychiatric diagnosis group for long years in order to shorten the duration of the treatment period. Thus, it can also be considered as short-term psychotherapy of dissociative identity disorder. TBAMT is also recognized as the “alter personality alliance model”. TBAMT is generally a trauma centered, strategic, both crisis intervention and an integrated psychotherapy method focused on the processing of trauma following the alliance of the host and alter personalities in dissociative identity disorder. TBAMT is based on eight main phases linked to each other; “multifocal therapeutic alliance”, “short-term and efficient trauma practice”, “integrative intervention and control for crises”, “missions and strategic functions of host and alter personalities”, “solution-oriented approaches towards insecure attachment and psychopathogenic family dynamics”, “correction of different time perceptions and cognitive distortions of host and alter personalities”, “integration; fusions made via the host” and “post-integrative psychotherapy providing autonomy”. Every basic phase has three-week periods and the treatment of dissociative identity disorder is completed nearly in six months.

Key words: Trauma based alliance model therapy; psychotherapy of dissociative identity disorder; crisis intervention psychotherapy; short-term psychotherapy; trauma based psychotherapy; dissociative disorders; post-traumatic stress disorder; psychotraumatology; therapeutic reciprocity

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