Abstract: Breast Self-examination is an easy way to understand body and know when something might not be quite right. Breast cancer affects women of all ages, including those under the age of 30 yrs. Awareness about breast cancer is important for all women, and regular selfexamination should be part of health routine to spot any changes in breasts. Aim: Assess the effectiveness of VAT on knowledge regarding BSE. Methods and Materials: In view of accomplishing the objectives, a quasi-experimental research was conducted among 60 rural and urban women at selected community areas of Vijayawada. Results: The data were analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics. The effectiveness of VAT on knowledge regarding BSE revealed that the pre-test mean= 8.63, SD of ± 3.78 and post-test mean=17.16, SD of ±6.39 and the calculated paired t value was t= 11.97 which was highly significant at p
Key words: Knowledge, Video Assisted Teaching, Breast Self - Examination, Urban and Rural women.