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Original Article

IJMDC. 2019; 3(12): 1087-1093

Retrospective analysis of the clinical and radiological manifestations of multiple sclerosis at a general governmental hospital in Al-Ahsa, Saudi Arabia

Qasem AlAlwan, Fozan Al-Battat, Mohammed AlAlwan, Suhailah Hakami, Hisham Al Dossary, Abdullah AlAlwan.


Background: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic disease of the central nervous system affecting young and middle-aged adults. MS is associated with remarkable functional impairment and decreased quality of life. Although the clinical presentation, as well as the radiological findings, are the key to its diagnosis, its prevalence is not well studied in Saudi Arabia. Methodology: A retrospective study was conducted comprising 48 patients who were diagnosed for MS using McDonald's criteria during the period from 2000 to 2016. The medical, as well as radiological data, were obtained and analyzed. Results: Female patients represented the majority among total samples analyzed with 70.8%. Patients aged between 11 and 47 years old with a mean age of 27.5 years reported the first presentation for MS. Sensory symptoms were most common at first presentation in 33.3% of cases while motor symptoms were most common at relapses. Remitting relapsing multiple sclerosis was the most common cause in 81.2% of cases. At the radiological review, the periventricular nucleus was found affected by all the patients at their first presentation. Conclusion: MS was found as a common disease in the Al-Ahsa region, Saudi Arabia with a diversity of manifestations both clinically and radiologically. There was a notable increase in cases over the years. Magnetic resonance imaging was substantial in the diagnosis as well as during the follow up of MS.

Key words: Multiple sclerosis, magnetic resonance imaging, manifestations, Al-Ahsa.

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