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Case Report

Case series of ectodermal dysplasia and evaluation of oral findings: A literature review

Aliye Tugce Gurcan, Mine Koruyucu, Figen Seymen, Sila Yardimci.

Cited by 3 Articles

Ectodermal dysplasia (ED) is a hereditary disease characterized by anomalies in the structures of ectodermal origin. This report aims to determine the oral features of patients with ED syndrome and to present treatment approaches. Because of nutrition, speech and aesthetical problems due to the lack of teeth 22 patients with ED syndrome referred to faculty dentistry clinic. Facial physiognomy was typical for ED and the facial height was decreased due to the vertical dimension and the delalet exfoliation of primary teeth. Also anodontia, hypodontia, delayed eruption, diffuse enamel hypoplasia, conical tooth structure, talon cusps, microdontia, and, transposition in teeth were seen in patients. In most cases, prosthesis were applied to improve the facial aesthetics, speech and oral function due to the common hypodontia. The primary goals of the dental treatment of patients with ED are enhancing aesthetics and improving masticatory function. The oral rehabilitation of the patientsÂ’ needs multidisciplinary dental treatment.

Key words: Ectodermal dysplasia; tooth loss; pediatric dentistry; dental prosthesis

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