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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(4): 1746-1753

The Effects of using storytelling activities in past by using Su Ji Pu li Skills of older adult with depression

Thanunya Theeraakanit.


The purpose of this research was to study the effects of using storytelling activities in past by using Su Ji Pu li Skills of older adult with depression : a case study of Ban Daeng Subdistrict, Phibun Rak District Udon Thani Province. The population studied is the elderly in Ban Daeng Subdistrict. Phibun Rak District Udon Thani Province There are 752 elderly people from 13 villages. The sample consisted of 30 elderly (experimental group) participated in the activity and 30 informal (control groups). The scope of the elderly living in Ban Daeng Subdistrict Phibun Rak District Udon Thani Province Specific sample according to the specified criteria (Inclusion criteria) are 1) the elderly aged between 60-79 years, both male and female which was screened for depression from the 9 question depression test with scores between 7-18 points indicating depression to a small to moderate level 2) able to help oneself and participate in activities 3) Have ability to see and hear 4) have normal memory 5) be happy to participate in activities 6) never participated in activities telling stories in the past before. Therefore, the results after using storytelling activities in past by using Su ji pu li of older adult with depression, a case study of Ban Daeng Subdistrict, Phibunrak District Udon Thani Province (Experimental group) found to change or found differences. According to the statistical significance of .05

Key words: storytelling in past, su ji pu li skills, depression

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