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Case Report

IJPRT. 2021; 11(2): 50-52

A Case Report On Non Diabetic Foot Ulcer With Cellulitis: Split Thickness Grafting Technique (Stgt )

raga sandhya halaharvi, Mabi chan kanala, Madusudhana chetty chella.


Cellulitis is an potentially serious common bacterial skin infection. Cellulitis looks as a swollen, redness of skin that appears hot and tender. In his case report patient developed pain, fever,fluid filled blisters with redness , inflammation and ulcer over the right foot since 1 week.The diagnostic tests revealed that the patient had positive streptococci infection and diffuse subcutaneous edema in right lower leg.To control the microbial infection associated with non diabetic foot ulcer split thinkness graft technique was performed.Skin grafting is a surgical procedure that involves removing skin from one area of the body and transplanting it to different area of the body.It involves mainly removing the top layer of the skin the epidermis as well as deeper layer of the skin dermis.For rapid wound healing the antibiotics like linezolid, cephalosporines was given.

Key words: Cellulitis, streptococci ,antibiotics therapy, debridement, split thickness graft technique (STGT).

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