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Original Research

Med Arch. 2011; 65(1): 4-8

Phentolamine Action in Permeability of Airways at Patients with Bronchial Asthma

Hilmi Islami, Shaip Krasniqi, Halil Ahmetaj, Naim Haliti, Ilir Kurtishi, Salih Ahmetaj, Ibrahim Ibrahimi.


In this work, effect of phentolamine as antagonist of alpha-1 adrenergicreceptor in patients with bronchial asthma and with obstructive chronicbronchitis was studied. Parameters of the lung function are determinedby Body plethysmography. Raw and ITGV were registered and SRaw wascalculated as well. Aerosolization is done with standard aerosolizing machines– Asthma with a possibility of aerosolization of 0.5 ml per minute. Resultsgained by this research shows that blockage of alpha-1 adrenergic receptorwith phentolamine (10 mg by inhalator and intravenous ways and 20 mgby inhalator ways) has not changed significantly (p>0.1) the bronchomotortonus of tracheobronchial tree, by comparing it with the inhalation ofnatrium chloride solution with percentage of 0.9% (p>0.1), or of hexoprenaline(2 inh x 0.2 mg) and atropine 1mg/ml (p

Key words: Airways, phentolamine;hexoprenaline; atropine;

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