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Original Research

RMJ. 2021; 46(1): 123-126

Learning experiences of physiotherapy students attending their clinical placement in a public sector university.

Prinka Sukheja, Madiha Shabbir, Abida Parveen, Kashmala Khan, Aftab Ahmed Mirza Baig.


Objective: To explore the learning experience of physiotherapy students attending their clinical placement in Dow University of Health Sciences.
Methodology: This cross-sectional study was carried out among undergraduate physiotherapy students at institute of physical medicine and rehabilitation, Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi from July to August, 2019. Stratified sampling technique was used for recruitment of 240 students out of which 222 students participated in the study. Self- designed questionnaire was used and data were analyzed through SPSS version 21.
Results: Out of 222 students, there were 196(88.3%) females and 26(11.7%) males with mean age 22.18±1.168 years. We found that 107(48.2%) and 52(23.5%) students are somewhat and very satisfied for learning form clinical placement, respectively.
Conclusion: Most of the physiotherapy students were satisfied with their clinical placement. There is still requirement to provide them good clinical environment for their better learning.

Key words: Clinical placement, rehabilitation, teaching rounds.

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